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- # AutoOp by Ian Frechette 12-10-92
- # EPIC modifications as necessary by Jeremy Nelson
- # the people you want to be opped by default. Wildcards are allowed.
- # the patterns must be of the form user@host
- if (!op_list)
- {@ op_list = [bob@example.bob.edu foo@*.bar.com]}
- # the channels you want people to be opped on by default. Wildcards
- # are allowed. '*' simply means all channels apply.
- if (!chan_list)
- {@ chan_list = [* #example]}
- # Show the the people currently in the autoop list
- alias showop
- {
- @ count = 0
- @ ao.name = []
- echo *** AutoOp list. Addop user@host to add. Delop <num> to remove
- echo *** <num> nickname!username@hostname
- for ao.name in ($op_list) {
- echo *** $[5]count $ao.name
- @ count++
- }
- }
- # Just like showop but works with channels.
- alias showchan
- {
- @ count = 0
- @ ao.name = []
- echo *** AutoOp chan list. Addchan #channel add. Delchan <num> to remove
- echo *** <num> #channel
- for ao.name in ($chan_list) {
- echo *** $[5]count $ao.name
- @ count++
- }
- }
- # Given a number.. deletes that person from the autoop list..
- # use SHOWOP to list.
- alias delop {
- if (rmatch("$0" *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 *0))
- { @ op_list = notw($0 $op_list) }
- { echo *** Usage: delop <number>;echo *** See showop }
- }
- # Given a number.. deletes that channel from the autoop channel list..
- # use SHOWCHAN to list.
- alias delchan {
- if (rmatch("$0" *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 *0))
- { @ chan_list = notw($0 $chan_list) }
- { echo *** Usage: delchan <number>;echo *** See showchan }
- }
- # Add an autochanop to the list.
- alias addop {
- if ([$0])
- { push op_list $0 }
- { echo *** Usage addop username@host;echo *** wildcards are allowed }
- }
- # Add an autochanop channel to the list.
- alias addchan {
- if ([$0])
- { push chan_list $0 }
- { echo *** Usage addchan #channel;echo *** wildcards are allowed }
- }
- #
- # the actual ON that does the work
- # This is the hook as it would be used in ircii-EPIC
- #
- on #-join 666 '% \\[$chan_list\\] \\[$op_list\\]' {
- timer ${10 + rand(10)} if \(!ischanop\($0 $1\)\) \{//mode $1 +o $0\}
- }